Supporting Volunteers in Youth Organizations
The project aims at discovering underlying issues regarding the long-term commitment of young volunteers in the four youth organizations.
A research study will be taking place, shedding light on an issue which is common for many voluntary organizations in Europe, and thus to contribute to the available body of knowledge in the youth field.
Young people are included and they are actively take part in the project, not only as subjects and main beneficiaries of the research, but also as coordinators of the project itself.

The Project
The project “Supporting Volunteers in Youth Organisations” (SVYO) is co-funded by the European Union in the framework of Erasmus+ programme and is running from 1st March 2021 till 31st December 2023.
At the end of this project, the organizations involved in the project will come up with a sustainable and effective action plan, consisting of common initiatives to support their volunteers. The end objectives aim at helping volunteers live a more meaningful and formative experience within their organizations. Having volunteers that are involved and committed on a long-term basis in the organisation, will be of benefit to ŻAK, ACI, ACRO and ACG, while at the same time enhancing/strengthening the personal growth of the young volunteer and be able to contribute to the building of the different democracies in the different countries.
The numbers of the project:
Project Team
Youth engaged in the reseasch
who we are
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Żgħażagħ Azzjoni Kattolika (ŻAK) is a branch of the Maltese Catholic Action and its fundamental purpose is to provide programs of spiritual, social and personal development. The aim of this process is to affirm an individual in his or her proper identity and involve him or her in relationship with God and others.
The organisation focuses on working with young people aged from 10 years onwards and is a voluntary-based, non-profit organisation. Currently, ŻAK consists of approximately 700 members, in 12 different parishes, including young leaders and youth workers.

We are an association of lay people committed to living, each one ‘to his own measure’ and in community form, the experience of faith, the proclamation of the Gospel and the call to holiness.
We believe that it is right and possible to educate each other in responsibility, in a personal and community journey of human and Christian formation. We want to be attentive, as individuals and as a community, to the growth of the people we meet and who have been entrusted to us.

Born with the vocation to help in the mission of announcing Jesus Christ to all people, ACG helps to collaborate in the maturing of the Christian faith of those who take their first steps in the Church, to establish in all parishes a stable proposal of associated apostolate so that the evangelising action of the laity is more effective and is carried out in a climate of communion and apostolic zeal.
A proposal for all Christians in our parish communities, for the regular lay people of our parishes and dioceses. In this sense, General Catholic Action is called to be a basic tool that brings together the laity of the local Churches. Therefore, if it responds to its genuine vocation, it must be present in a natural way in the parishes.

Catholic Action in Romania exist at national level from 2005. The positive feedbacks we have from the young participaticipants at our meetings, reflects the fact that we are considered to be needed and useful in the field of integral formation. The formative process that we have started from the very beginning, is felt at the level of the members of our associations, as responsible people active in the life of the society and Catholic Church.
The national youth team is a resource for our local groups that are spread in all the country. In the last 15+ years, more than 50 events (trainings, seminars, meetings) were organized for young people and more than 1000+ person attended ACRO evens.
The project is developed in collaboration with International Forum of Catholic Action:
The International Forum of Catholic Action Associations and Federations of Movements is made up of associations of lay apostolate constituted at national level, which correspond to the four notes, taken all together, that are set out in the decree of Vatican Ecumenical Council II Apostolicam Actuositatem no. 20, 2-3, and in the Post Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Christifideles Laici no.31,3.
FIAC is a place where concern for and solidarity with Catholic Action groups in different countries, regions and continents are expressed. In 2005, Youth Coordination was established in order to: keep a “routine” link among CA youth in the various countries and to encourage CA youth participation in the life of the universal and continental Church. Another goal is to support the participation of youth in all IFCA initiatives but also to promote activities for and with young people
Meet the project team!
Emanuela Gitto
Project manager
(March 2021 – ..2023)
Jamie Farrugia
Project manager
Anthony Mifsud
Project Researcher
Josef Debono
Project Coordination
Team member
Marija Cachia
Project Coordination
AKM MALTA President
Michela Baldacchino
Project Coordination
ZAK President
Fr. Reuben Gauci
Project Coordination
Żak Ecclesiastical Assistant
Franziska Grech
Local project coordinator
Andrea Facciolo
Local project coordinator
Fran Ramirez Mora
Local project coordinator
Codruta Fernea
Local project coordinator
Project outcomes
A research study will is taking place, shedding light on an issue which is common for many voluntary organizations in Europe, and thus to contribute to the available body of knowledge in the youth
The Research
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Positive Youth Development Metodology
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras a nunc venenatis, fringilla eros eget, semper orci. In a nisi nunc. Duis maximus ligula a vehicula tempor. Proin efficitur, ante eu lobortis posuere, elit massa vulputate metus.
Intercultural Exchange
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Experts In Every Subject
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Individual Subjects
College Prep
Study Skills
Test Prep
News & Resources
Data collectors training
Between the 2nd and 4th of September Żgħażagħ Azzjoni Kattolika (ŻAK); the youth branch of the Maltese Catholic Action, hosted in Malta a team of data collectors coming from the Romanian, Spanish and Italian Catholic Action, together with data collectors from...
Kick off meeting
The 6th of March 2021 saw the launch of the Erasmus+ project “Supporting Volunteers in Youth Organisations”. This 3-year project brings together Żgħażagħ Azzjoni Kattolika (Malta), which is also coordinating the project, Azione Cattolica Italiana (Italy), Acţiunea...
Let’s Learn Together!
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